
Insert the FOLLOWING into the automatic poetry Machine(™), and you will receive a poem written for you. Look HERE: This is the ONLY location poem requests will be accepted. YOU MUST follow the following guidelines to receive a poem You need to submit the FOLLOWING (and ONLY the following information: 1) * A Name 2) * A topic 3) * A mood That's it!

Thursday, May 03, 2007

APM Request # 26: Wedding Limerick

APM™ Request # 26: A Wedding Limerick
(Original request here)
Nannay Says here:

In honor of Limerick Day being on our wedding day, will someone write Nestor and I a limerick? I will post it on here.

And, here it is!

To Nestor and Naynay's big day
When wed for life, are they
I dedicate this verse
Altogether too terse
May 30 years together be Child's Play!

(and remember this comes from someone who Has been with the same girlfriend for 30 years)

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Blogger Mark Brown Suggested...

Message to LIZ McCoy:

You asked for a poem, for son's birthday.

Need more information..
Please email me with you address.

Your profile is private, so I cant access it to get your blog info, or email...or just add me to your list...
Cannot do this request till I get the info I need, especially the DATE

Wed May 09, 09:00:00 AM EDT  
Blogger Mark Brown Suggested...

An APM request from "wanderlust:

Name: Lusty
Mood: shitty

Tue May 22, 11:51:00 PM EDT  

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